

MBACP (Accredited)


helping you

to help yourself

Client Testimonials

What You Say

Over the years I have been given many letters, and words of appreciation by clients who have benefited from the work they have done during their therapy. It is a privilege to have worked with so many courageous and lovely people, and a pleasure to have been part of the process in which they were able to change and begin to live life in a way that brought them fulfilment.

I have included below just some of the hundreds of written thank you notes or emails that I have received, which I hope will inspire you to begin the process of change yourself.

“I just wanted to say that the therapy that you gave me has completely changed my life. I feel that I am now the person that I should have been years ago and that I am finally in charge of my own destiny, rather than trying to fit in with others.” - Samantha  Newton Abbot, Devon

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“……….. I am writing this to convey my thanks , I have now given up smoking for a month today. The treatment, augmented by patches etc, has worked in respect of giving up smoking. I used to smoke about 35 cigarettes a day costing me on average £12 a day - I had a voracious appetite for nicotine and tobacco smoke.

Once again thank you very much , and I would be pleased to act as a referee in respect of assuring potential clients of your competency in this field.”

Yours faithfully, J H F Teignmouth, Devon

© 1996 Mindscape Limited

Designed By David Lloyd-Hoare Bsc(Hons) MBACP(Accred) INLPTA

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