MBACP (Accredited)
helping you
to help yourself
Hypnotherapy uses Hypnosis to induce a deep state of relaxation, during which our unconscious minds are highly receptive to new or alternative perspectives and ideas.
The reason it’s so effective lies in the extreme power of our unconscious mind, which stores all the memories, beliefs, habits and behaviours we’ve develop since birth. Prior to us responding to any external stimuli, we automatically access our unconscious and use its stored data to analyse how best to respond. And given our unconscious is primarily concerned with keeping us safe, well and happy, it usually provides us with good information to help us respond in the most helpful and resourceful manner.
However, as a result of the way we learn, from time to time it also stores and provides us with poor information, which results in many of life’s problems. You see from birth we learn by modelling other peoples behaviours and beliefs (many of which can be unhelpful), and we also place significant prominence on our own emotional experiences (again a lot of which can be negative) and both these conditioned and learned responses stay with us over time.
A really simple example might relate to a phobia of bees. We are not born with an inherent fear of bees – far from it; we are born with a naturally positive curiosity for all things within our immediate environment. A fear of bees can only be developed in one of two ways: either we see other people’s fear and model our response accordingly (a conditioned response); or we have a scary experience ourselves that becomes the prominent information stored in our unconscious (a learned response) and as such, fear becomes our unilateral response to bees. That makes sense when you think about it.
And then over time, as we develop these unhelpful beliefs (e.g. bees are dangerous), or unwanted behaviours (e.g. freaking out at the mere sight of a bee), we simply end up re-
To make matters worse, we cannot consciously control our unconscious. If you think for a moment about riding a bike; a learnt behaviour that we store in our unconscious and can access as and when we need. Could you consciously decide to unlearn how to ride a bike? Probably not! Now apply the same to principle to an addiction, phobia or anxiety response and you start to get the picture; to change any of these unhelpful responses for the better, we first need to change the information stored in our unconscious, or to provide the unconscious with newer and more helpful information.
This can be achieved through hypnosis. You see the reason why hypnosis is so effective lies in the fact that it bypasses the conscious mind and creates an alternative state of consciousness during which attention is focused away from the present reality. Rather like day dreaming, attention can then be focused towards particular images, thoughts, feelings, perspectives and behaviours which will help us to change or update the information stored in our unconscious, thus changing our unhelpful habitual responses.
This process is called Hypnotherapy, a safe and enjoyable process that can change lives in the most positive and exciting of ways. Our bodies already have the natural mechanisms to allow us to live normal, happy and fulfilling lives. But occasionally these natural mechanisms need a little help operating properly.
I will facilitate you to achieve fast and long lasting change. Through removing limiting beliefs, eradicating unwanted behaviours and relieving anxiety and stress, my clients get more of what they truly want, whether in business, in relationships or generally in life.
Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnotherapy.
FAQ’s, which may provide some more answers to your questions about Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis.
What Is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a scientifically verified and effective technique that can promote accelerated human change. With Hypnosis, we can create desired changes in behaviour and encourage mental and physical well-
Hypnosis versus hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is the use of Hypnosis for self-
Recover From Divorce
Health & Other Problems
How does Hypnosis feel?
Since Hypnosis is a natural state of mind, clients are often surprised that they hear every word. Unless one enters a deeper state, he or she may not "feel" any different than when relaxing in a favourite chair reading a good book or engrossed in a good film.
Does a Hypnotised person give up control?
Absolutely not. When you are in a Hypnotic state you are in complete control of all your normal faculties and would never do anything that you wouldn't ordinarily be prepared to do.
How will I feel directly after Hypnosis?
Great! Relaxed, rejuvenated, cool and calm, re-
Can anyone be Hypnotised?
The short answer is yes, however some people find it easier than others to achieve a deep level of Hypnosis.
How would I know if I've been Hypnotised?
If you have felt relaxed and have listened to the Hypnotherapist's suggestions, you have been Hypnotised. Some people who reach a deeper level of Hypnosis describe other feelings or sensations including: not hearing the Hypnotherapist's voice; a heaviness in their body; time distortion whereby they feel the session only lasted a few minutes. All these feelings or sensations cease once the Hypnosis is ended.
How many sessions might I need?
That depends on the issue, or issues, you wish to work on. Smoking cessation for example takes two sessions only, as do a number of the phobia treatments. For issues such as weight, confidence or addiction, I may wish to see you up to 3 or even 4 times. The proposed treatment plan will be discussed with you during the initial consultation and your approval will be sought prior to starting.
Below is a list of my more common treatments. Click on the links below to find out more or call me on
01803 665604 for more information.
I also work with many other issues which are not listed in the list above
Addictions can range from simple unwanted habits to more serious problems which affect our health, and can involve a variety of substances and behaviours including cigarettes, caffeine, sugars, alcohol, drugs, spending and gambling. Cravings describe the underlying discomfort we feel which pushes us towards the next cigarette, chocolate bar or drink as a way of relieving that unease for a while, although we know the effect won’t last.
We may initially develop an addiction as a way of dealing with anxiety and stress, boredom or sadness, but the addiction can then become an extra problem in itself, rather than a solution.
It’s important that you really want to overcome the addiction. Therapeutic techniques can help you release the addictive behaviour and provide you with other, better ways to calm and relax yourself and re-
When we are under stress of any kind, at work, in our relationships, or as a result of past problems, or poor health, we are more likely to become irritable, frustrated and angry with ourselves and those around us. In more extreme situations, this can lead to a highly emotional and impulsive state which can result in physical as well as verbal outbursts.
Therapy can release any underlying stress as well as help you to identify your triggers for anger. You can learn to control and release your feelings in a healthier way which will enable you to act and respond more calmly and thoughtfully.
For More Information About Anger and it’s Associated Problems Click Here
Stress and anxiety seem to be becoming more common in our society. A little stress can help us to perform at our best, but prolonged anxiety can affect every aspect of our lives including our health, eating, sleeping, relationships, energy and mood. The mind can become overly active so that we feel we never have any peace, even when we do stop. The body can feel constantly tight and tense.
Diet and lifestyle changes combined with therapy can significantly reduce stress and provide really effective ways to relax the body and calm the mind, helping you to feel much more able to cope with the demands of everyday life. Learning practical techniques which you can self-
For More Information About Stress and it’s Associated Problems Click Here
Bullying can take place amongst young people at school but can also be a problem in the workplace. It can have a huge impact on our confidence and self-
Therapy can help you to explore different coping strategies, develop assertive and confident communication skills and lower the overall stress and anxiety involved.
We are not born with low confidence or self-
For More Information About Confidence & Self-
If we’re exposed to stress and anxiety for prolonged periods of time, or experience a very painful event, the body and mind can be become exhausted, affecting our sleeping and eating patterns, and causing the mind to get increasingly caught up in a spiral of negative thinking.
Sometimes we need some help to break out of this cycle and get back on track. Diet and lifestyle changes can be very important together with therapies that relax the body, calm the overactive mind and help you start re-
For More Information About Depression and it’s Associated Problems Click Here
Difficulties with eating can range from a reluctance or inability to eat a healthy range of foods, to disorders such as bulimia and anorexia. It can be helpful to view problems with food and eating as a way of coping with underlying stress and anxiety, and therefore similar in origin to addictions and compulsive and self-
It is important to address both the eating problem and the underlying discomfort that gave rise to it. Using techniques to increase self-
For More Information About Eating Disorders Click Here
Loss of someone close to us through death, divorce or separation can cause us immense pain. We may also experience a sense of loss when we lose or change employment, develop health problems, move home or experience some similar life-
Therapy can help you to address any unresolved feelings about the loss you have experienced, and enable you to regain a sense of meaning, optimism and pleasure in life.
For More Information About Grief and it’s Associated Problems Click Here
People usually vividly recall their first panic attack and the sense of terror they experienced, together with unpleasant physical symptoms such as shallow breathing, pounding heart and trembling. Panic attacks may start during a stressful period in our lives, or they may be associated with an intense fear or phobia.
One of the key components of treatment is teaching you a quick and effective way to calm yourself so that you feel able to control this “fight or flight” reaction in the body, and then to address any underlying stress that may be present. Diet and lifestyle advice can also be crucial in alleviating panic attacks.
For More Information About Panic and Anxiety Problems Click Here
Taking an exam or driving test, having to make a speech or perform in public can cause crippling anxiety for many people. This can prevent you doing what you want to do, and affect your overall levels of confidence and self-
Therapy focuses on releasing your fears and helping you prepare for the event by rehearsing it successfully in your mind whilst you feel comfortable and confident. You can also learn practical tips and techniques which you can use for an additional boost on the day itself.
Phobias involve an intense fear which is linked to a trigger which may be an event, physical sensation, situation or object. Particular phobias can involve heights, enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), being outdoors (agoraphobia), fear of flying, needles, spiders (arachnophobia), snakes, being sick (emetophobia), social phobia and many, many more. As part of our survival mechanism, the brain is very quick to make a connection between intense fear and any linked event or circumstance. Once it has done so, it will continue to produce fear or panic attacks every time we are in the presence of the trigger. This can give rise to very unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms including increased breathing and heart rate, sweating, trembling and an overwhelming desire to escape.
Therapy helps to calm the intense reaction and then assists you in uncoupling the unhelpful link the brain has made between the trigger and the fear response, so that you can get on with your life feeling calmer and more confident.
For More Information About Phobia and it’s Associated Problems Click Here
Whether it’s difficulties with a partner, child, parent, friend or employer, relationship problems can cause great discomfort. Often we’re able to work things out ourselves, but there are times when it can help to talk it through with someone outside the situation.
Therapy helps you examine any unhelpful beliefs you may have which could be influencing your behaviour and reactions and gives you a new perspective on what’s happening. You can also learn effective ways to calm yourself and to develop more assertive, confident and thoughtful styles of communication.
For More Information About Relationship Problems Click Here
Many of us experience temporary problems with sleeping when we’re busy or going through a difficult time, but if that pattern persists we can become increasingly tired and frustrated. Just getting through the day can become difficult if you’re not having enough sleep.
Treatment can help with all forms of insomnia as well as sleep-
For More Information About Insomnia and it’s Associated Problems Click Here
Many people find social situations challenging and uncomfortable. Being in a large group or with people you don’t know very well can give rise to shy, anxious or self-
Treatment is focused on helping you to relax and develop the skills and confidence you need so that you can feel more comfortable and at ease in social situations.
As with any other addictions, it’s vital that you really want to stop smoking. If that’s the case, then hypnotherapy, together with other techniques used, can really help you quit. Many people fear that if they stop smoking, they’ll start to eat more and gain weight. That’s why it’s important not just to help you let go of the habit, but to look at the reasons why you’ve continued to smoke. If smoking has been a way of relaxing or dealing with boredom or anxiety, or perhaps has been a reward when things are difficult, we need to help you find other, more positive ways of meeting those needs, so that you don’t return to smoking or start eating unhealthily. Doing this means you are much more likely to be successful in quitting for good.
For More Information About Stopping Smoking Click Here
Many physical problems associated with ill-
Applying really effective therapeutic techniques which deeply relax the mind and body, and which can be self-
For More Information About Illness and it’s Associated Problems Click Here
When we experience an overwhelmingly traumatic event, or series of events, the mind can find it difficult to process what has happened in the way that it does with ordinary memories. This can leave us in a state of “red alert” which may involve intense anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, nightmares and flashbacks. In the long term this can lead to problems with sleep and relationships, and difficulties with anger, depression and concentration.
We tend to think of trauma in terms of war zone experiences or childhood abuse, and this can certainly be the case, but being involved in, or witnessing, an accident or someone being taken ill, for example, can trigger trauma in varying degrees depending on the individual, their age and circumstances.
Treatment of trauma helps the mind to process the event properly and so releases the associated discomfort. Using modern therapeutic techniques, treatment is gentle and effective. There is no need to re-
For More Information About Trauma and it’s Associated Problems Click Here
Excessive weight problems are linked with increased health risks but many people struggle to find really effective ways to lose weight and to maintain a healthy weight afterwards.
Treatment is designed to assist you in setting realistic goals for weight loss and adopting an eating pattern, rather than a diet, which is healthy, enjoyable and which you can maintain indefinitely. Examining any anxiety and stress, depression or confidence and self-
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